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Award in Introduction to an Inclusive Environment

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What you'll learn

This course is designed to give learners an introduction to understanding the challenges in developing an inclusive environment, including how people feel marginalised when they are bullied or abused, how abuse takes lots of different forms and has negative impacts for the victim and the abuser, how they can make and keep healthy friendships and know the action to take if they suspect someone in their own community is being abused.

This online course is taught using Self Study

What does this mean for me?

Our courses are normally taught in person. To keep people safe during the coronavirus pandemic, we're doing all our teaching online instead.

You'll need a computer or smartphone with a good internet connection.

Your tutor will send you detailed instructions before lessons start.

New to video calls? See our guide

Apply for this course

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Who provides this course?

Hackney Council

Hackney Council's Adult Learning team provides lifelong learning to improve skills and reduce unemployment. We work with experienced tutors, training providers, and community groups in a range of subjects to provide the best learning opportunities in the borough.

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If you need some employment guidance, you can sign up to talk with a personal employment advisor.

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