Hackney Works
A free employment support service for Hackney residents.
Whether you’re looking for your first job, you want to progress further, or you’ve been out of work for a while, our advisors can help you to achieve your goals.
What we offer
- A personal advisor to support you
- Access to free training courses
- Help to identify your unique skills
- Help with CVs and job applications
- Exclusive local job vacancies
- Interview technique coaching
For more information please contact Hackney Works
T: 020 8356 5700 | E: hackneyworks@hackney.gov.uk
IPSPC Employment Support
Individual Placement and Support offers personalised employment support for Hackney residents with physical and/or mental health conditions engaged in primary care services e.g. support from a GP.
What we offer
- Personalised one-to-one employment support
- Help with CVs, job applications, and interview techniques
- Access to ICT facilities and unique job opportunities
- Support in explaining your health condition to employers
- Access to benefits advice & discretionary funds
- Personalised in-work support
- Advice on managing your health condition in the workplace
For more information please contact IPSPC
T: 020 8356 5700 | E: ipspc@hackney.gov.uk
Supported Employment
Our Supported Employment Service (Adult Services) helps Hackney residents with a learning disability, autism and those in contact with secondary mental health services.
What we offer
- A dedicated Employment Specialist who will support you in finding or keeping the right job
- Help with CVs, job applications, interview coaching, and access to work placements
- Support with adjustments to interview the processes
- In-work support for employees and employers
- Help to explain your health condition to employers
- Help to keep your job and upskill with your chosen career
- Support with benefits guidance and advice
For more information please contact Supported Employment
T: 020 8356 5700 | E: supportedemployment@hackney.gov.uk
Hackney 16-19 NEET Pathways Service
If you’re aged 16-19 (or up to 25 with an Education, Health, and Care Plan) and not in education, employment, or training (NEET), the Hackney NEET Pathways Service can support you in finding a suitable next step.
What we offer
- Specialist support and tailored careers advice for young people with SEND
- Support for young people to find suitable: sixth form places, college courses, training, apprenticeships, and job opportunities
- Help with CV writing, job searching, and applications
For more information please contact NEET Pathways
T: 020 8356 7508 | E: neetpathways@hackney.gov.uk
Careers Guidance for Adults in Hackney
This Matrix-accredited service offers free confidential career advice and guidance for adults in Hackney over the age of 19 years. This is a service with appointments currently offered via telephone, Zoom, or Google Meet in the following areas:
- Adult and Family Learning in Hackney and London wide
- Accessing college and university Higher Education, including advice on student funding
- Careers advice for all professions including teaching and social work
- Other education and training opportunities
- Signposting to volunteering opportunities
For more information please contact Naina Kent, Careers Advisor
T: 020 8356 7174 | M: 077 7501 8102 | E: naina.kent@hackney.gov.uk
Page last reviewed: March 25, 2025